Friday, November 9, 2012

Witches and their spells

In 1944, Helen Duncan was gaoled under the Witchcraft Act on the grounds that she had claimed to summon spirits. The last threatened use of the Act against a medium was in 1950. In 1951 the Witchcraft Act was repealed.
Yes, England XX century. But times change. English Witchcraft Act 1735 was based on the Anglican preaching that the mother of all witches, the Witch of Endor, was nothing but a mere impostor. Today you can call yourself witch and have some good practice without any problem. What’s good here is that people do not die or get imprisoned because of the fear or religious bigotry of others. What is bag is that you can be a mere impostor and nobody will ever tell you that you lie.

What is witch or who is? I checked it in the Online Etymology Dictionary and found there two interesting things.

1. Klein suggests connection with O.E. wigle "divination," and wig, wih "idol."
2. At this day it is indifferent to say in the English tongue, 'she is a witch,' or 'she is a wise woman.' [Reginald Scot, "The Discoverie of Witchcraft," 1584]

These two (the idol from the first and the wise woman from the second) combined together give the woman who uses or keeps some sacred knowledge. If you translate the word witch to different languages you mostly get words derived from knowledge, prophesy, spell and evil. Well, evil comes from the fear of unknown but the result is almost same – one who knows and who can use this knowledge.

Now who is a witch today? The best way to understand it is to look at what they do and how they do it. One of the most common practices is spell casting. Does it work? If you look in Google for the answer, most sites say, “Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't”. This is “politically correct” form of “NO”. There’re two main reasons for that: lack of knowledge, and lack of power. This is not fault of contemporary witches. This is result of inquisition. More than 100.000 women were murdered during the middle ages. Most of them had nothing in common with the witchcraft, but most of those who had didn’t survive that too. Furthermore most of those who kept traditions preferred to stop it to save their children.

But something still can be done to make spells work or to increase its efficiency. Most of contemporary spells repeat or resemble those of middle ages, this is wrong. Spell is a description of the world and the world changed. You can’t talk about powers of nature when you have no idea about these powers. Most of townspeople don’t survive in the nature more than a week if they get there without food, clothes and cellular phone. Contemporary spell must be based upon contemporary reality with all its phones, planes, nuclear bombs, Internet and the rest of the things we are used to.

Spell must have some effect and this effect in turn must be reached by applying this spell to some object. We are talking about human world and any object in this world exists as a subject of perception. But it’s much easy to change perception from inside the human psychology.

“…"Psychic forces" have far more to do with the realm of the unconscious. Our mania for rational explanations obviously has its roots in our fear of metaphysics, for the two were always hostile brothers. Hence, anything unexpected that approaches us from the dark realm is regarded either as coming from outside and, therefore, as real, or else as an hallucination and, therefore, not true. The idea that anything could be real or true which does not come from outside has hardly begun to dawn on contemporary man…”© C. Jung

This way the spell must be personal, I mean you can’t just use the spell from some grimoire if you are not initialized in corresponding tradition but you must compose spells of your. Composing spells contains two parts.

1. Unconsciousness is reachable through archetypes.

An archetype is a universally understood symbol, term, or pattern of behavior, a prototype upon which others are copied, patterned, or emulated. Archetypes are often used in myths and storytelling across different cultures.

In psychology, an archetype is a model of a person, personality, or behavior.

So the first part is to find the right archetype and to describe the result you want to reach in its terms. If you believe in gods personificating the powers you need, this is your way, if you don’t – find something in the outer world creating this result, doesn’t matter what. Now figure the way of getting your result: ask the god, search the Internet, drive the car, whatever, but it must be the real way to what you want.

2. Archetypes are reachable through the representing symbols and this is the hard part. It’s not enough to imagine something of the kind. You must live in the world you’re trying to create, your spell must cause you to visualize the picture of what this spell about. It’s not that you cast the spell and visualize but it’s you cast it and see it, just it and nothing else.

To accomplish this you must use the right words when you’re composing your spell. It makes sense to build dictionary of the “right words”. “Right words” are the words appealing to your psychic forces. When you say the “right word” you feel that it’s more than just abstract sound, it touches you some way. “Right words” are always personal, that’s why the spell you compose is personal too.

Now how to find the right words. Close your eyes and think about different things: flower, mother, car, war, money, child, tree… Every word gives you different feelings, some of them deep, some of them almost insensible. You need those, making you react. React like sense emotions, remember something and so forth.
It’s a long work. Just take some kind of dictionary (I think some kind of explanatory or etymological dictionary is good enough) and go through it. And write your results.
Now, when you have your dictionary of the “right words” use these words to compose your spell. But think twice – your spell must make you visualize the most exact picture you can think about.

By the way, technique of finding the “right words” is good to check if you chose the right archetype – it must touch you somewhere too.

How your spell works now. Well, now it depends on your power. Not everyone has enough power to make things work. Sometimes it can be passed over by getting some kind of initiation, but you wouldn’t read that far have you had one (different kinds of “New Age” initiations usually don’t work). Sometimes you can gain power of your own or recollect some from your past, and I’ll talk about it one day later.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Magnum Opus

“On an evening before Easter I was sitting at my table and after I had communed with my Creator, as I was ac¬customed to do, in humble prayer and meditation on Meditation many great mysteries which the Father of the Light in his majesty had shown me abundantly, I desired to prepare, together with my beloved Paschal Lamb, a pure, unleav¬ened wafer in my heart.” - Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross.

Fulcanelli said that “Alchemical Wedding” can be regarded as a valid alchemical text.

Easter is a good time to begin the Great Work. Furthermore it should be begun somewhere between April and May or Taurus and Gemini. There’s a widely used technological process performed between Taurus and Gemini upon the Black Virgin.

This process resembles burning the green candles.
“Another detail useful to the hermeticist is that in die ceremonial prescribed for the processions of the black Virgins only green-coloured candles were burnt.” © Fulcanelli

Oh, and it stinks.

Maybe it’s a key, at least one of them.

Well, I’m not an alchemist and I don’t plan to be one :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012


We are all different. Everybody sees and acknowledges each other's differences but you can't tell a book by its cover. The more differences between us, the less we understand each other. Misunderstanding leads to troubles. Most of troubles we solve in two ways: peace or war; and both need understanding. You need to understand one whom you want to be your friend and you need to understand one whom you want to defeat.

Understanding is not a simple task; it’s used to think that one can’t know the inside of a man's mind. And the problem here is the difference between us. But the problem can be overcome. Difference means separation, which is right in everyday life, but just there. There’re parts of us we all share. I don’t talk about something transpersonal like egregores now but I talk about parts of psychology we all share. Some of them can be used for telepathy but it’s not simple. There’re techniques much simpler, one of them is approximation. The idea here is changing the point of view similar to one of the man you want to understand while watching the interesting subject.

Close your eyes. You must see now something like gray screen. Now imagine the person you want to understand; the image comes from some point around you, find this point (well, you can train on other objects or people :) ) and move to it. You should notice now some change in your feelings, your perception changes to one like of the man you want to understand. If it didn’t happen you did something wrong. Now, from within this point try to look at the “gray screen” and recall the subject you want to understand. See the difference in perception?

That’s it.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Elements 3

There are five elements: Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Only four of them are present in any real object of this world. Only three of them are present in the Tree of Life.

Why. Elements are types or ways of existence and existence is a process so the best way to explain the elements is to explain how they appear in process.
Any process needs some kind of substance for its appearance: it can be medium, space.. whatever – base. And then it goes through 5 states.

1. Concept – Ether
2. Future – Air
3. Present – Fire
4. Past – Water
5. Base for next – Earth

So why it’s five and four and three. Tree of Life is the simple case. I wrote already that Major Arcana (in its human representation, and the Tree of Life is of the same kind) are the most abstract level of our mind activity. This way Ether = Concept is the idea and Earth = perceptible part of the World; and the Tree of Life represents realization of the idea in this World. What’s left is Air, Fire, and Water. When Air is represented by Arcana 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14, 18, 19; Water – 2, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21; Fire – 3, 4, 9, 16, 17, 22.

Material world is more tricky case. I showed previously how to use Ether in work with material objects but even so there’s no Ether in matter. The trick is there’re no objects in this world but instead there’s process of “rendering” of realized concepts into objects. I’ll show how it works.

Everyone of us is a product of our mind in some way. So there’s a process of constant creating of human being or whatever you call it (with 5 elements) and there’s a result of this process viewable in any moment as a body or something like that (with 4 elements). Now how it works together. Cycle of elements appears for us in form of tattvas – kind of time division of a human life. There’re five tattvas:

1. Akasha tattva – Ether
2. Vayu tattva – Air
3. Agni tattva – Fire
4. Apas tattva – Water
5. Pritivi tattva – Earth

Every tattva lasts for 24 minutes (sometimes when you work with karma or solve some psychological problem the cycle may change, like jumping to different tattva, but it returns to 24 min. * 5 instantly). This way when you go through Akasha you’re in Ether, but there’s no Ether for your body. Hence, you don’t disappear for 24 minutes every 2 hours. What really happens during Akasha tattva, you go through the time of physical uncertainty. Only physical. It doesn’t really affect you since the mind or psyche (or whatever you call it) is the determinant, but this phenomenon can be easily observed.

Take the pendulum, wait for Akasha tattva, and try to find what is the year of your birth using this scale.

Something goes wrong doesn’t it? :) It’s not only pendulum. Any physical device will produce wrong results during the Akasha tattva. But if you use “mind only” techniques you will never meet problems of this kind.

So there’re only four elements in physical world. But the Ether is still present – it defines the equilibrium or relations for the other four. Frankly, it’s a bit more complex – everyone of the elements defines relations of the other four in any object but Ether does it in most usable (for humans at least) way.

That’s how it works.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Total recall (past lives memories)

In 1944 Carl Jung completed one of his greatest books “Psychology and Alchemy”. I love Jung and I really appreciate his works, he was a great scientist. But despite this book is one of his best, it was great mistake. Mistake people made before Jung and after Jung. Psychology can’t explain magic because no system can be explained or described by its part.

The core difference between scientific and magical approaches to psychology is that science sees psychology as a static “black box” with slightly changeable parameters when from magic point of view it’s a constantly developing system of related identities growing from life to life.

We live our lives one by one and in every incarnation we create identities. Once we die it becomes part of our unconsciousness for the next lives. Usually we don’t remember our previous lives and this is crucial to diversifying our experience. But one day everyone reaches the point when using previous experience makes more sense than collecting the new one. Some people just start to remember something, some others must use some techniques to do this. There’re many techniques in this case and they’re all different, from training ability to remember to reincarnating previous identities. We all different so there’s no one best technique for everyone. I’ll describe one that should work for most of people who reached the “point of recalling”.

This is not simple. This is not really hard but not simple.

The main idea of this technique is that we need our experience for further development. Another idea is that there’s some part of us that never dies.

First part is the underlying technique – identification. We see, hear, feel… the outer world from some point inside the head. It’s not “where I am” but it’s “where I watch from”. This point is moveable. The easiest trick is to move it along your body. It usually stops in chakras and changes your perception accordingly (btw it’s a good practice to look at different things from different chakras – sometimes it enables to overcome the stereotypical understanding). Next step is to move this point out of body. Try to move it to some object like table or tree, if you do it right you should feel what it feels that moment – this is identification.

Second part is to find the part of us that never dies. Well, this is a part that develops through all our lives. So it would be good idea to look for something developing. Try to recall all the cases of your life when you learned something. Not these gray annoying days in the school but something that made you feel you really advanced. All these memories have something in common, some special feeling of advancing, of growth – this is what you need, catch this feeling. Now there’s some point where this feeling comes from, you must find it. If you never tried to catch your feeling this way try to use Osho’s technique “Look into your headache” from “The Orange Book”, it should work. The point is something like 8 – 10 inches before your forehead and 2 inches above your eyes.

Now identify yourself with this point. There must be some hardly describable feeling when you do this – this is a new connection built between parts of your… psyche. And now try to recall some of your childish dreams, if you did everything right, it must look more like memories now. If it doesn’t – start from the beginning and don’t forget that not everyone can do it, so if you constantly fail you maybe do not need it or you need some other technique.

Ancient Greeks believed that when we die we drink water from river Letha to forget our lives, and before we come into the world we drink it again to forget our post mortal existence.

But there was another river in realm of Hades – Mnemosine that returned memory. And there was goddess with same name that personalized memory and identity.

So if you succeeded, you can talk now to this part of yours and it will tell you about your past lives and show it. And this in turn will help you to develop the new identity, because identity is what really disables recalling memories from the past lives and if you rebuild it to enable you to recall your memories you just stop dying, because death is forgetting.

Monday, October 1, 2012


I wrote already about shoulder devil. Now it’s about shoulder angel.
Just like death it’s a part of our energy but not the real angel. But it can act like one. It can give good advices because it knows everything about our abilities.
It’s called Power and it can be found on right behind the back.

I don’t know whether don Juan knew something about it – his understanding of power was different. I think the idea of the “death on the left” was taken from some ancient system and adopted for the Toltec needs while rejecting the rest of ideas.

Power is an ability to do something. Everyone can do something, those who cannot just do not live. So this is a point of entrance of all our energy (yes I know about Sushumna, Ida and Pingala and I know about Qi energy cycling, this is just another view). What’s interesting here is that any initiation you get connects to this point as an external source of energy or power and if it limits you someway it’s done here too.

Just like Death your Power can be reached through its graphical representation. But even so your Power can tell you many interesting and useful things about your abilities it makes sense to look at it before talking – sometimes it’s not the worst thing to know what is the source of your power and what are its limitations before using it or listening to its advices. So this one enables you to see your Power from aside.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Fear, is it bad or good? Strange question isn’t it? J

Fear is the main cause of most of our problems. But fear keeps us alive. There’s no right answer to this question.

Paracelsus said, "Everything is poison, there is poison in everything. Only the dose makes a thing not a poison." That’s right for fear – it may kill you in wrong dose. It rules you and misleads. But in the right dose it saves your life. What is dose in this case.

This is simple. Fear is an instinct and fear is an emotion, in different cases it appears different ways. And the right dose enables you to use your instincts and to control emotions. Sometimes it seems to be impossible but the trick is not that hard – you should look at your fears from outside. This ability can be trained.
Well this is not very simple and not fast, it comes after some practice. Practice of searching the ways to overcome fears.

Find a place where you can sit alone and work. Sit, close your eyes. Recall one of your fears. Look at it. Hear it, smell it, live in it. Your fear must become real. Now when you’re in fear say, “exit fear” and see how it changes. (If you read this it will work)

This technique has triple action: it teaches to face the fear, it teaches to overcome the fear, and it teaches to look at fears from outside.

Erasing fears instead of overcoming them is possible too but it’s less effective in long term effect – fears come and go so if you can’t overcome fears they just come back.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Elements 2

I showed already how same idea can be represented differently through different elements. But elements are “relevant” not only for ideas and amulets but for people as well. Everyone of us has or belongs to some element and there is apprehension depending on elements so sometimes we name different things by the same word. I’ll give an example.

Luck. Good luck. It’s a chain of events correlated by our attitude or estimate. But how it works for different people, how it happens? There’re things can happen to some of us that can never happen to another. There’re many factors affecting it but the element is the most significant one in this case.

So what is luck for different elements.

Fire. You know what you need, you know when you need it why and how. Your luck is to be in the right place in the right time and to do the right thing. Here it is:

Air. You raise your hand to scratch your had and you catch the star. Just like that. You don’t know when why and how, you don’t even know what you need. But when you catch your star you know this is yours – you don’t need to think or recognize it, you just know that sometimes you need to scratch your head or to do something else, doesn’t matter what :)

Water. You maybe know what you need or want, but you never know what it will be when you get it. Your luck is what you find on the sea-shore after the storm. You don’t know what it is, but you should be the first one who comes there after the storm.

Earth. Your luck is a bonus. You can put some money aside for 20 years, buy the great house with a garden and find there a buried treasure while planting a new tree.

None of these will affect you if it’s not your element. You can put them together for overkill, but it would be much better to make the personal amulet regarding your.

Notice the stones I used – it’s coral, jade, turquoise, and amethyst. If you make the personal amulet your choice should be different – it should represent the personal quality of the man. These stones represent elements when using them to implement concept and nothing more in this case.

To be continued :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Creating an event (P.S. Tarot)

Just one example for the previous post.

Sometimes we need something to happen. If it’s something usual enough it can be done easily through Arcanum X - Fortune.

Fortune is a process of creating ways in this world. So if you want something to happen you should find the way to where and when it happens. Arcanum X can do this for you.

Now take piece of paper. Concentrate on what you need. But remember, it shouldn’t be something abstract, it’s your life, it’s how this world and you in it will be created some place and some moment. Now while concentrating on your event, write what it should be. Fold it with the text inside. On the upper clean side of the paper draw this symbol (blue color is preferred):

This is rune representing the Arcanum X. Now put the paper in your pocket or somewhere else close enough to your body and keep it with you until you get your result.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Tarot. When you afraid of the future and have some extra cash you go to Tarot reader and solve both problems at one approach. Wise design.

Tarot is not a divination system. Well, it can be used for divination just like anything else, but it’s much like using the car as an ashtray instead of driving it. Your reader can give you a very good advice about your life but why not to rule your own life instead of getting advices? Tarot is a good tool to do this.

So what is tarot? It’s a graphical representation of our mind. Yes it’s much more, but I’m talking about people. Anyway, whatever we see, think, understand…  we do it from the human viewpoint, so there’s no need to step outside the human mind.

Tarot deck is made of two sets of cards: Major Arcana and Minor Arcana and they’re essentially different from each other.

Minor Arcana represent four elements by level of their manifestation or appearance.

Major Arcana are not that easy to explain. Anything we know, just any concept or apprehension whenever we look at it, it’s just a subject of comparison. What I mean if you try to describe or understand something, you use other objects, concepts and the rest of the things you can use to built associative links. There’s one rule in this process – generalization. Understanding is built upon abstraction, our mind never uses examples in understanding unless it’s needed to build some more global scheme. So any single concept or idea in our heads is a product of something more global or abstractive. In turn this global and abstractive idea is a product of something else. Now if you go ahead through all the levels of abstraction you get 22 topmost super abstract concepts – Major Arcana.

This way anything in this world can be described as appearance of this Major Arcana or another. But we live in physical world and clear conceptions are not enough here. And this is where Minor Arcana should be used to describe the physical appearance of whatever you want.

Now about how it works. Process of the world creation has never ended. It happens right now and right here. This world, it doesn’t exist but instead it happens. If you want something to happen you need description. Once you get it you can apply it on the process of the word creation. Just one more thing to add here: this world is a world of actions, it means there’re no objects in this world but the rendering of different actions into something we perceive as objects. So if you apply your description to something, try to reach the point where it happens but not where you render it.

Techniques? There’re lot of. From meditation to spells, from drawing sigils to using tarot cards as amulets. Just find the one most effective for you.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Once upon a time

Our memory has horizon. We remember what happened yesterday, we remember most of the things happened twenty years ago, we know vary many facts from the previous century and even more. But we hardly know the facts from the more remote past: we reinvent discoveries of Leonardo, the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore built by Brunelleschi in 1436 was a great mystery for a long time. And we know nothing about our past that was 5000 – 6000 years ago. There’re many megaliths older than this, some of them built using technologies unavailable for us, but we know nothing about its’ origins.
Things are much worse when we talk about magic. Adepts of almost any new religion do their best in exterminating any evidence of any previous spiritual practice they can find.
Fortunately we live many lives and every previous life becomes part of unconsciousness in following ones. Sometimes it’s possible to find something interesting there. As usual there’re bad news J - the most  noticeable traces are left by black magic. Bu sometimes there’re “good news” too.
One of the most interesting examples of the white magic I saw was a Big Water Magic cult. It was 4500 – 5000 years ago I think. I saw it twice, in two people I mean. One day it just disappeared from this world. I don’t know why. What’s interesting about it is that it returned. It returned some 100 years ago in very different form, it doesn’t use 10% of its power today and it’s very limited in action. But I think the full system can be restored. Today it’s called Reiki J

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Charging amulets… If you google for it you find plenty of ways to do it. Most of them do not work. There are exceptions from this rule like this one for instance but they are rare. The reason is simple, if you want to do something you should know what it looks like or find somebody or something who or what will do it for you. Reiki is definitely good choice. Some kind of sanctuary can be good too if you know what to do there and you have access to this place.
But if you build upon yourself you must be able to understand the technical part of what you do. And this is far beyond just figuring some blurred idea of what the result should be.
Anything done in this world is represented through its elements. This way any amulet is an intention defined from elements’ viewpoint. Different ideas have different representations in different elements up to inability of representation. I’ll try to show it.
I take some idea that can be represented in any element – this is crucial for this example.
And I represent is as time – water.

And variance – air.

And manifestation – fire.

And structure – earth.

All these can be used together and it would be good idea in this case to put them all together. But there is much better idea.

This world is alive. All of its entirely and every single part of it. These glass balls I play with are not exceptions. And when I say alive I mean conscious. There is full theory beyond this but I don’t want to theorize J The point is every object in this world has some kind of self-definition that can be changed to redefine the object. And if you do it the result you get goes far beyond simple putting elements together. So fifth element – consciousness – ether plus the four previous.

Differences in these examples are noticeable, so if you can’t see it just don’t waste your time for amulets.

To be continued J

Friday, September 7, 2012

Frame your attitude

History of the mankind is the history of wars. We conflict. We do it ever. It’s what we are. It’s in our genes. It’s defined by evolution. Those who didn’t conflict didn’t survive.
I can’t tell whether it’s good or bad. It’s just the fact. But there is the bad thing about this fact. The bad thing is that we conflict when we shouldn’t or don’t need to. Why do we conflict? Because of our logic. Binary logic creates negations which cause to negative thoughts and actions come up to it.
But there is one world. One world that we divide with our negations. And then we conflict. So the way to overcome the conflict, one of the ways, is to rebuild the unity.
If you want to repair your attitude towards someone imagine him in this frame and then touch him there. And look what happens :)

But remember three things:
1. It’s unidirectional action – if you change your attitude towards someone it doesn’t mean that he or she does the same.
2. Nothing in this world is 100% efficient. Nor this technique is – if your attitude has external sources it will not change significantly or will not change for a long time.
3. This frame is built to work on this site, use it online.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Just by looking through your eyes He could see the future penetrating Right in through your mind See the truth and see your lies But for all his power couldn't foresee his own demise

Humans have been practicing divination for thousands of years. It’s one of the eldest habits we have. And one of the most ambiguous.

Technically it’s a kind of sympathetic magic and just as any other kind of this magic its results depend on accuracy of the “representation” of whatever’s used for divination and on abilities of the one who predicts.
So what divination is really good for is developing accuracy. Is it bad for something?

First and foremost prediction should be understood, otherwise it doesn’t work. There’s a well known story about Oedipus who solved the riddle of the Sphinx but failed to realize this riddle is prophesy.
What could happen had he realized it? Oedipus complex would never exist :) What else?

Sphinx was a symbol of abundance, power, wisdom, mysteries, riddles, truth, unity, and secrets for Egyptians but Greeks believed that sphinx caused insanity and diseases. Looks like answer. Knowledge can harm when it changes the worldview.

Sphinx could foresee the future and she didn’t use any kind of magic to do that. Let’s get back to divination which is less dramatic. The challenge of understanding totally falls upon the fortuneteller. The first problem here is “The medium is the message”. The first but not the only.

What is predicted is a chain of events even though it usually looks like one simple result. And this is the second problem – people use to think about prediction like showing some situation in future that must happen but not the possible way for the current situation to develop.

Now how it works. Just like we live event by event when event is a minimal noticeable action. So events are unique for different people but it’s not a point in this story. The point is how to link events in chain. Any event can develop in two ways: Yin and Yang. Thus future is multivariant and there’re as many as n+1 variants for the next n events (any two adjacent events have one common next step event) but they all have different probabilities. Probability of this event or another depends on the way of personal development and on karma. Usually there’re several chains of events available in any situation. Divination shows only one (the most relevant for the fortuneteller) and when you think about this chain or result and nothing else you make it come real. And this is the worst thing about divination.

But sometimes there’re situations when we need answers. We all live within Genius of Earth which is at least 95% inertial system and anything happens to us is predefined some way (well, otherwise no prediction could be possible). This predefinition can be accessed through Tarot. There’re many ways to do it. I’ll describe one enabling getting more than one answer and it’s more prophecy than divination technique.

Any system of principles can be represented in a form of a graphical scheme. This scheme in turn enables deriving set of symbols from it. Symbols are called runes. The Elder Futhark is a great example of such symbols. Tarot can be represented the same way.

If you need info Arcanum XVIII is the most right place to get it. The rune of the Arcanum XVIII looks like this.

Now take a small piece of paper and write the subject of what you want to know. Not the question but subject. For example, “Next Vice-President of the Neverland”. Fold it with the text inside. On the upper clean side of the paper draw the rune (blue color is preferred in this case). If you want to get one fast result, just close your eyes, put your left hand on the paper (folded and with the rune upwards) and watch the result. If you want the rest of the answers put the paper in your pocket (putting the rune towards or outwards you can make sense but it changes from one man to another), answers will come.

Well, you must be somewhat sensitive to use this.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Death is an Adviser

…He told me to turn around casually and look at a boulder to my left. He said that my death was there staring at me and if I turned when he signaled me I might be capable of seeing it. He signaled me with his eyes. I turned and I thought I saw a nickering movement over the boulder. A chill ran through my body, the muscles of my abdomen contracted involuntarily and I experienced a jolt, a spasm. After a moment I regained my composure and I explained away the sensation of seeing the flickering shadow as an optical illusion caused by turning my head so abruptly. "Death is our eternal companion," don Juan said with a most serious air. "It is always to our left, at an arm's length.”
"The thing to do when you're impatient," he proceeded, "is to turn to your left and ask advice from your death. An immense amount of pettiness is dropped if your death makes a gesture to you, or if you catch a glimpse of it, or if you just have the feeling that your companion is there watching you."
"Death is the only wise adviser that we have. Whenever you feel, as you always do, that everything is going wrong and you're about to be annihilated, turn to your death and ask if that is so. Your death will tell you that you're wrong; that nothing really matters outside its touch. Your death will tell you, "I haven't touched you yet"."
© Carlos Castaneda – “The Jorney to Ixtlan”

Well, it’s not exactly “to our left”, it’s on left but behind the back. Memento mori – was great idea for explaining this phenomenon, it always works on sensitive natures. Don Juan stopped right here. Did he know more? I think he did.
Another interesting character can be found on the left is devil.

Yes, shoulder devil. :) Usually (not necessarily) it’s drawn there. And it advises and it tempts. These are not coincidental cases – it’s just the same phenomenon. Let’s call it Death – it’s a very good name.
In terms of Tarot Death is a set of operations with zero. If it’s multiplication it’s the end of existence. But it can be division and then it’s infinity, eternity and the rest of the things of this kind. Furthermore: zero point is a place where everything (not anything but everything) is possible – it’s a place of choice, it’s temptation.

But I don’t think don Juan mentioned this. What he talked about looks like different system. What’s “always to our left” and can be seen or felt someway is a part of our energy. Very interesting part. It knows everything about our ways in this world. So don Juan was right, "The thing to do when you're impatient is to turn to your left and ask advice from your death.” But it’s not that simple – there’s no don Juan around to give a sign in the right moment.
Fortunately, there’s another way to accomplish this. The way is sympathetic magic. Death can be accessed through its representation. Here it is.

And if you need an advice its where you can get it.
Memento mori :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Psychoanalyzing flower :)

Got in trouble? Fill anxiety, fear, pressure? Want to visit psychologist? Well, try to save some money, here’s another way to solve your problem.
I did it mostly for fun. It won’t solve the Main Problem of your life, but it works.
Just concentrate on your problem, touch the flower in the header of this page and ask for help. Since psychological and physical problems are related it can treat some light diseases as well.
Well, if it didn’t work, call the doctor

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Finally I made it and this is real magic :)
It’s used to think today that unicorn looks like horse with a corn. But once it was different.

Domenichino (1581-1641) The Maiden and the Unicorn

Francesco Di Giorgio Martini (1439-1502) Chasity With The Unicorn

Raphael (1483-1520) Lady with a Unicorn

Well there’s no canonical figure of unicorn but if you try to rebuild it from the archetype it’ll look more like goat with one corn. But that’s not too interesting. Beliefs related to unicorns are different matter. There’re many of them but I’ll talk about one.

It’s believed that unicorn brings good or bad luck. Unicorn is just an animal so it doesn’t do something purposely. It just lives (well, myths say it does J ). So how can it affect people?

What is luck? It’s a chain of events correlated by our attitude or estimate. Simpler it’s opportunity to get some benefit or advantage (or vice versa for bad luck).

Our life consists of events and they’re related to each other some way. This relation has rules. So what unicorn does – it changes the rules. This is not simple – these are rules of this world, at least for humans. Than unicorn must be ruled by more effective rules still acceptable by the world. I suppose it may be ability and resembling. Now back to humans.

Once I found this in the Internet.

A chain of events is analysed "according to the Patience of Medici".
On a deck of cards, each card has meaning, according to this theory:
- Hearts : are sensual experiences (sympathy, antipathy, passion etc.) - Diamonds: financial matters - Clubs: social activity, work - Spades: aggression, obstacles

In that, it is similar to Tarot cartomancy.

Further symbols: - Ace: circumstances beyond our control - King: the law - Queen: people/animals with which we interact - Jack: our personal motives, desire, motive, the intentions, which force us to act. - 10: the result of our actions - 9: information. our outputs, utterances. - 8: contact - 7: absorption (consumption of food and information, the survey of football, cinema, reading newspaper so forth. - 6: displacement

Then, you play Medici's Patience (yes, a type of solitaire). Please note that only 6-A cards play: - The deck of cards should be with the jackets upwards. - You take out three cards and lay them. - The middle (second) card is the most important one. If it is located between the cards with identical color (for example, between two hearts) or between the cards with identical values (for example, between two "ten"s), then this second card is shifted to the first. - If the second card is not added to the first, you lay out the fourth card and you begin the analysis of the third card - i.e., you look, if is located between identical colours or identical values. If it is, it is shifted on the second card, and then you again return to its analysis of the second card (since the third became the second). - If not, you open again - a fifth card and you begin to analyze the fourth card. Again, if the fourth is proven to be between similar values or colours, you put it on the third - it becomes the third - and the two are shifted on the second card - all become the second.

Interpretation: is done through looking at the chain of events, as manifested in the second card(s). Each new card is analyzed as a proposed action, that would continue "broken chains" in our lives.

This former Mary Stuart Solitaire played with 36 cards deck simulates our life. And it’s built upon 2 rules close enough to “unicorn” rules: capability and resembling. Capability is more restrictive than ability but it can be changed by external influence and that’s the trick of unicorn.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Magic stones

This is amazonite. If you open Google and search for info on it you find something like that, Amazonite creates a feeling of power. It inspires truth, sincerity, honor, self love, communication, eloquence, integrity, trust, clairvoyance, clarity, prophecy and openness. If you believe it really works as written you should believe in Peter Pan and Harry Potter as well. The stone is just a stone, it does nothing by itself. It’s passive. There are exceptions from this rule: shungite, moldavite and several others but they are rare. Any other stone must be activated to produce some non placebo effect on human body upon external exposition. Sometimes activation happens when you start using the stone, sometimes it’s done intentionally, sometimes the stone resonates with you, but usually it doesn’t happen at all.

This is another one. It’s activated – notice the difference. Now it works but I wouldn’t say it inspires truth or sincerity. Looks more like doubt and confusion. It’s not because of the “bad energies I forgot to cleanse”, it’s because of quality of the stone. No one promised it’s clean enough to do exactly what’s expected and it doesn’t. This can be overcome by taking the right qualities from the egregore of stones and activating nothing but them.

This is it and it’s much better. Will it work? Well… “They might or they might not, you never can tell with bees.” © Winnie-the-Pooh  What is sincerity for example? Wikipedia sais, “Sincerity is the virtue of one who speaks and acts truly about his or her own feelings, thoughts, and desires.” So sincerity depends on perception of the person and what is the truth itself for one may look false for other. And if you start acting sincerely but not thoughtfully it may look bad for others. Sincerity is not the best example, think what it could be with love where one means sex and the other friendship. That’s not all yet. Different people affected differently by this stone. In this case affection depends on element. If water is your element it works, but if it’s fire… I’m sorry. So, what it was about. Stones can be used for making amulets but the stone itself shouldn’t be the amulet. It should be the base for amulet depending on its qualities when the amulet must be created for the specific person or must have no limitations.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Snow Queen

We all read the “Snow Queen” by Andersen but the origin of the Snow Queen is not clear. Andersen wrote in his memoris,
"He is dead," said my mother, addressing it; "thou needest not call him. The ice maiden has fetched him." I understood what she meant. I recollected that, in the winter before, when our window panes were frozen, my father pointed to them and showed us a figure as that of a maiden with outstretched arms. "She is come to fetch me," said he, in jest. And now, when he lay dead on the bed, my mother remembered this, and it occupied my thoughts also.

(I took it from here

It explains Andersen’s fears but nothing more. Well, Andersen’s parents told him about Ice Maiden. But who is she? She is definitely goddess and there must be some mythology beyond all this story but I never heard about it.

More than century later Tove Jansson writes about another goddess - Lady of the Cold, “Very beautiful. But if you look her in the face you’ll be frozen to ice.”

This is better – here’s some description. Goddess who freezes by sight can be found in Japanese folklore. She is ghost there but ghosts are common for Japanese folk. Her name is Yuki-Onna.

Myths, and of cause fairytales, are concocted by people. And people use to fear of gods and make them sadistic, insane, and very unpleasant.

But there must be something except the fear in all this stuff. Let’s get back to Andersen. “When you can find out this, you shall be your own master, and I will give you the whole world and a new pair of skates.”

OK, skates are forgivable for old good Christian Andersen. The rest is more interesting. Assuming that he really adopted some myths this phrase can be the key. I’d rephrase it like this, “If you solve this puzzle you become the one who rules his own world.” This is “Hermit” – Arcanum IX. And solving the puzzle is the second initiation when the kiss of the Snow Queen is the first.

And now the fairytale.

A long time ago, there lived boy and girl. Their names were Kay and Gerda. They were about 15 years old and it means what it means. One sunny day Kay decided to tell Gerda how much loves her and to make proposition (it was a long time ago – people used to get irreversibly married when they were young then). But the girl was stupid and she said that it’s only lust and adolescent crisis. And she waits for the man who can really appreciate her beauty. Kay was upset but didn’t give up. He decided to learn to appreciate the beauty.
So one day he just went to learn. He didn’t tell anyone where is he going and when he is planning to be back. And sometime later he was declared to be drowned in the local river. Gerda cried for her failed marriage but calmed down soon. And Key came to the Snow Queen and told her about his problem. And the Snow Queen decided to help him. She gave him puzzle. It was magic puzzle. It couldn’t be solved without understanding the harmony of all of its parts. It took Kay a long time to solve it but he did. And then he’s got the next one, it was harder. And then the next… The last puzzle was himself and it was 4 years later.
He came back and he married Gerda – no one wanted to marry floaters bride, so she stayed unmarried. But 2 years later he left again. Nobody saw him ever since.