Friday, September 28, 2012


Fear, is it bad or good? Strange question isn’t it? J

Fear is the main cause of most of our problems. But fear keeps us alive. There’s no right answer to this question.

Paracelsus said, "Everything is poison, there is poison in everything. Only the dose makes a thing not a poison." That’s right for fear – it may kill you in wrong dose. It rules you and misleads. But in the right dose it saves your life. What is dose in this case.

This is simple. Fear is an instinct and fear is an emotion, in different cases it appears different ways. And the right dose enables you to use your instincts and to control emotions. Sometimes it seems to be impossible but the trick is not that hard – you should look at your fears from outside. This ability can be trained.
Well this is not very simple and not fast, it comes after some practice. Practice of searching the ways to overcome fears.

Find a place where you can sit alone and work. Sit, close your eyes. Recall one of your fears. Look at it. Hear it, smell it, live in it. Your fear must become real. Now when you’re in fear say, “exit fear” and see how it changes. (If you read this it will work)

This technique has triple action: it teaches to face the fear, it teaches to overcome the fear, and it teaches to look at fears from outside.

Erasing fears instead of overcoming them is possible too but it’s less effective in long term effect – fears come and go so if you can’t overcome fears they just come back.

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