This is amazonite. If you open Google and search for info on it you find something like that, Amazonite creates a feeling of power. It inspires truth, sincerity, honor, self love, communication, eloquence, integrity, trust, clairvoyance, clarity, prophecy and openness. If you believe it really works as written you should believe in Peter Pan and Harry Potter as well. The stone is just a stone, it does nothing by itself. It’s passive. There are exceptions from this rule: shungite, moldavite and several others but they are rare. Any other stone must be activated to produce some non placebo effect on human body upon external exposition. Sometimes activation happens when you start using the stone, sometimes it’s done intentionally, sometimes the stone resonates with you, but usually it doesn’t happen at all.

This is another one. It’s activated – notice the difference. Now it works but I wouldn’t say it inspires truth or sincerity. Looks more like doubt and confusion. It’s not because of the “bad energies I forgot to cleanse”, it’s because of quality of the stone. No one promised it’s clean enough to do exactly what’s expected and it doesn’t. This can be overcome by taking the right qualities from the egregore of stones and activating nothing but them.

This is it and it’s much better. Will it work? Well… “They might or they might not, you never can tell with bees.” © Winnie-the-Pooh What is sincerity for example? Wikipedia sais, “Sincerity is the virtue of one who speaks and acts truly about his or her own feelings, thoughts, and desires.” So sincerity depends on perception of the person and what is the truth itself for one may look false for other. And if you start acting sincerely but not thoughtfully it may look bad for others. Sincerity is not the best example, think what it could be with love where one means sex and the other friendship. That’s not all yet. Different people affected differently by this stone. In this case affection depends on element. If water is your element it works, but if it’s fire… I’m sorry. So, what it was about. Stones can be used for making amulets but the stone itself shouldn’t be the amulet. It should be the base for amulet depending on its qualities when the amulet must be created for the specific person or must have no limitations.
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