“On an evening before Easter I was sitting at my table and after I had communed with my Creator, as I was ac¬customed to do, in humble prayer and meditation on Meditation many great mysteries which the Father of the Light in his majesty had shown me abundantly, I desired to prepare, together with my beloved Paschal Lamb, a pure, unleav¬ened wafer in my heart.” - Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross.
Fulcanelli said that “Alchemical Wedding” can be regarded as a valid alchemical text.
Easter is a good time to begin the Great Work. Furthermore it should be begun somewhere between April and May or Taurus and Gemini.
There’s a widely used technological process performed between Taurus and Gemini upon the Black Virgin.
This process resembles burning the green candles.
“Another detail useful to the hermeticist is that in die ceremonial prescribed for the processions of the black Virgins only green-coloured candles were burnt.” © Fulcanelli
Oh, and it stinks.
Maybe it’s a key, at least one of them.
Well, I’m not an alchemist and I don’t plan to be one :)
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