Why. Elements are types or ways of existence and existence is a process so the best way to explain the elements is to explain how they appear in process.
Any process needs some kind of substance for its appearance: it can be medium, space.. whatever – base. And then it goes through 5 states.
1. Concept – Ether
2. Future – Air
3. Present – Fire
4. Past – Water
5. Base for next – Earth
So why it’s five and four and three. Tree of Life is the simple case. I wrote already that Major Arcana (in its human representation, and the Tree of Life is of the same kind) are the most abstract level of our mind activity. This way Ether = Concept is the idea and Earth = perceptible part of the World; and the Tree of Life represents realization of the idea in this World. What’s left is Air, Fire, and Water. When Air is represented by Arcana 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14, 18, 19; Water – 2, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21; Fire – 3, 4, 9, 16, 17, 22.
Material world is more tricky case. I showed previously how to use Ether in work with material objects but even so there’s no Ether in matter. The trick is there’re no objects in this world but instead there’s process of “rendering” of realized concepts into objects. I’ll show how it works.
Everyone of us is a product of our mind in some way. So there’s a process of constant creating of human being or whatever you call it (with 5 elements) and there’s a result of this process viewable in any moment as a body or something like that (with 4 elements). Now how it works together. Cycle of elements appears for us in form of tattvas – kind of time division of a human life. There’re five tattvas:
1. Akasha tattva – Ether
2. Vayu tattva – Air
3. Agni tattva – Fire
4. Apas tattva – Water
5. Pritivi tattva – Earth
Every tattva lasts for 24 minutes (sometimes when you work with karma or solve some psychological problem the cycle may change, like jumping to different tattva, but it returns to 24 min. * 5 instantly). This way when you go through Akasha you’re in Ether, but there’s no Ether for your body. Hence, you don’t disappear for 24 minutes every 2 hours. What really happens during Akasha tattva, you go through the time of physical uncertainty. Only physical. It doesn’t really affect you since the mind or psyche (or whatever you call it) is the determinant, but this phenomenon can be easily observed.
Take the pendulum, wait for Akasha tattva, and try to find what is the year of your birth using this scale.

Something goes wrong doesn’t it? :) It’s not only pendulum. Any physical device will produce wrong results during the Akasha tattva. But if you use “mind only” techniques you will never meet problems of this kind.
So there’re only four elements in physical world. But the Ether is still present – it defines the equilibrium or relations for the other four. Frankly, it’s a bit more complex – everyone of the elements defines relations of the other four in any object but Ether does it in most usable (for humans at least) way.
That’s how it works.
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